Monday, August 5, 2013

Back to School, End of Summer... *sad face*

Today marks for me the end of summer... we met the kids teachers tonight and I am really excited with who we got this year. Hunter has 3 great teachers going into 4th grade and Alli has an awesome 1st grade teacher this year too! I may have embarrassed Hunter a few too many times when I proceeded to go into every room and give my cell phone number out and request him to be in the front of the room but, hey that's what mom's do, right? I go back to work with Joe on Wednesday at IHS and my sleeping in and vacationing days are over for a little while at least. Our last little road trip (for the summer anyways) was a trip to Greenfield, TN to hear Bruce preach his first Sunday as a pastor and, it was just fun to see him up there giving it all to God and then to see their new house and new beginnings. I see God working actively growing their family and changing situations for His glory... after all that's what it's all about. Kati is making new friends in Greenfield and getting ready to enter 3rd grade, and our little Isaac is about to start Kindergarten! Our babies are growing up, it's so weird! I guess I knew that was supposed to happen but man it's happening so fast... slow down kiddos, or Aunt Lissa will put a brick on your heads ;). I would say poor Eli is left out to stay at home with mommy, but that's right up his alley haha. He's going to enjoy every minute! I would like for us to keep this blog going actively not just as a Yellowstone vacationing blog for us all to vent this summer, but for anyone who's interested to peek into our crazy lives from time to time. After all we do this family vacation stuff regularly, it's a fun read! :) Next summers trip is already being discussed and being planned even...  Mr. Gary and Mrs. Teresa have a timeshare in Myrtle Beach and the plan is for us to take 2 if not 3 VEHICLES hahahaha and let the kids really enjoy swimming and relaxing, not driving a gazillion miles, and truly enjoying vacation next year. I for one am looking forward to that! I'm ready for Myrtle Beach even! :) Yellowstone was glorious and everything you could imagine as far as beauty and splendor but it was very exhausting and tiring and we saw just how imperfect we ALL are. With all that said I've truly forgotten a lot of the negative things that went along with it and am left with just how beautiful family can be... we have our disagreements and our personalities are all very different but in the end nothing can tear our bond apart. I thank God for the picture of His love for us he gave me through my family. 

Monday, July 29, 2013

HOME AGAIN, HOME AGAIN JIGGITY JIG!!!  We got home around midnight and everyone passed out.  Two full days of driving is exhausting.

Things I have learned to appreciate more this week:  TO MY CHILDREN & GRANDCHILDREN

JUSTIN, my first born! I have loved spending time with you and your family this week.  I don't get the opportunity to see your tender side, watching you with Alli has been eye opening.  And even with Eli and Isaac, they love there "Uncle Justin".  Please know that I will always be there for you to lend a helping hand and a listening ear.

BRUCE, my baby boy! I have loved spending time with you and your family this week, you are an amazing father and husband. I am so proud of the Godly man you have become and can't wait to see want God has in store for you in your new position.  Stay focused on want is important, Know that I am praying for during this transition.

JESSICA, the daughter I never have!  I have known you since you were in junior high, and it has been amazing watching God transform you from an independent young woman into a beautiful young woman who is dependent on God.  I am so glad that you are a part of my family, my son's wife and the mother of my grandchildren.

MELISSA, my spiritual daughter!  Our relationship has had many ups and downs, but know that I am so proud of the wife and mother you have become.  I have watched you learn to rely of God and develop a relationship with Christ that is real and constantly change.  I am so glad that you are a part of my family.

Remember we are not perfect people but a family, people who love unconditional, forgive all wrongs, always strive to become more than who we are, encourage and push each other to become better people who are more like Christ.    


HUNTER, my first grandchild!  You are becoming a wonderful young man with a tender heart and a willingness to serve.  Always remember you are an example of Christ to the world.

KATHERINE, my first granddaughter!  I loved our breakfasts and hugs on the porch.  Your out going nature and I inquisitive nature will help you make new friends quickly.

ALLISON, my brave granddaughter!  You have taken big steps this week in overcoming your fears.  Remember God is always watching over you.

ISAAC, You are my explorer!  You are always busy,  never sit still form long.  You will be going off to kindergarten this year in a new town,

ELI, my youngest!  You are my talker.  You know and use way to many big words to just be four.  You are a mommy's boy and have a tender heart.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Teresa & Gary day 9

Today begins the long trip home, plan is to drive 12  hours.  We left the cabins around 9 am, allowing the kids to sleep late and have some time to paddle boat and fish before the long drive.  We picnic at a city park for lunch, again to allow the kids some time to run off some energy.  Late in the afternoon we got stuck in a down pour and had to stop for supper, finally stopped for the night at midnight but my night was not over. My key did not work and I had to go back to the desk.  But alas the second key did not work.  The desk clerk came over and check 5 more rooms before I finally got my room and crashed for the night.

Talking with the oldest three grandchildren here are some of the things that they enjoyd on their vacation:  Bear country,  seeing all the animals, bison walking down the road and ther herds of bison,  geyers and mud pits at Yellowstone,  the mountains, rodeo, and just being with family.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Teresa & Gary Day 8

Well this day started early.  We left the cabin all 11 of us at 5:15 AM, yes in the morning to see the animals at dawn.  Kinda sleeping and wrapped in blankets we are "down the road agin".  We have breakfast in the park and get home after noon, cause pawpaw needs a nap.

Eli has become an expert bison finder.  Isaac always wants go go outside the car with "DADDY".  Hunter studing his book about animals and rocks.  The girls just want to snuggle.  And all the kids want to go swimming, so the wade in a freezing spring stream then go swimming in cold river by the cabin.  Then everybody rest because tonight is rodeo night.

The kids have a blast!  Get to sit on a bull and all but Eli, participate in the calf scramble.  We also went to the shot out at the Irma hotel.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Teresa & Gary Day 7

Longgg day at the park, covered the northern leg in and exited into Montana.  Travelled up and down a crazy mountain road without guard rails and extremely narrow.  Got stuck in construction,  NERVE RACKING!  Delayed by road construction.   Road block caused by a bear lead to PB&J sandwichs in the car, with grandma the cook.

Great picnic by the lake, where the kid climbed down to the lake.  Where a kids scream (Kati) due to a moth caused panic to one mom (Melissa).  We saw several large herds of bison, a bison road block and several different kinds on animals.  The drive back to the cabins was beautiful, full moon, no traffic.

This old lady is hanging on but everyone's name is starting to blur.  So I just start down a list until I get to the right on.  LOL

Monday, July 22, 2013

Teresa & Gary - Day 6

Today has been a great day!  The day started out with Kati coming to my cabin to snuggle before breakfast.  Then Justin, Bruce and their families went on a hike this morning behind the cabins for  a couple, yes even Eli.  While Gary slept and I relaxed on the porch.  Then we went to church in Cody and had lunch (real food, buffet) at Irma Hotel, shopped and wash clothes.

Then the older kids went back to the park, while Gary and I stayed with the grand kids at the ranch.  We visited with an old friend from MS, Linda & David Jamison across the street.  The kids feed and rode their horses, collected volcanic rocks, explored their house (David's hunting trophies) and chatted (questioned) away.  Then day ended with watermelon by the pond and paddle boating. While I put Eli to bed by 8:00 without any complaints, the girls sat in pawpaws lap, while the boys fished.   Truly blessed.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Random Quotes from the Day

I believe it is Day 6 of the Crocket Family Vacation.  Today was a pretty relaxing day as Saturday really wiped us out with spending most of the day in Yellowstone.  I mean it is amazing and beautiful, but we were not aware of the vastness and all the driving it would take to visit the park.  So we decided to spend the early ours before church going on a little hike with the kids up the mountain behind our cabins.  So we start up the driveway and about a hundred yards or so Alli decides to step in the creek rather than jumping over it and Eli starts whining about wanting someone to carry him.  I started out leading the pack, but somehow around this point, I got stuck hiking with Eli, Kati & Alli.  I might say this was an adventurous/humorous time for me. I forgot the first few lines they said, but I quickly then pulled out my phone and began to take notes.  Here are a few of the quotes from the morning hike:
Alli: "I don't like hiking.  I mean I like it, but it's too much leg work."
Kati: "I thought  hiking was like a bridge you cross and you keep on going."
Eli: "Man I can go golfing with the stick Hunter made me!"  It was a hiking stick Hunter found on trail for Eli to use. 
Isaac: Daddy, "Isaac don't throw rocks down the mountain it's not safe and could hurt someone (as we climb down)"  Isaac, "These rocks won't hurt daddy they are made out of dirt."
Well, I know they may not be as enjoyable for you as me, but they made my morning!  It was truly an amazing site as we climbed up a ledge for the kids to look out towards the valley!  God's creation is truly amazing!
Next, we went with some native Mississippians who live here in Cody to Cody Bible Church.  It was a Western style church, but it was a great time of worship!  We then went to lunch with the Jamison's to the famous Irma Hotel.  It was a hotel Buffalo Bill built for his daughter back in the day to keep her out of the brothels.  Most of the hotel is original and they have kept it a hotel and a restaurant that many today travel to Cody to enjoy.  It was a buffet style lunch which I might say it was some good eating!  Probably the best meal yet on vacation! 
The afternoon was pretty calm and the two couples decided to hit Yellowstone for a few hours and leave mom and day with the kids!  Yes, we are great parents!  I mean we all need some time away.  We started into the park and we were not award of the beauty we were going to encounter that afternoon!  We just got started into the park when a Bighorn Sheep was running alongside us on the road, and we were able to get some great pics. We proceeded on to encounter our first Bison!  We heard all about the Bison and spent a whole day in the park and didn't even see a Bison. But he was nestled up right on the side of the road and I kept hollering at Melissa to open the door so I could get a picture without the window in the way as I was driving.  She hesitantly opened the door (because as she says, "I thought he was going to cuss me out so I opened the door).  Now I would never have done such a thing! I guess her nerves were getting the best of her.  When then head over towards Hayden Valley as we've heard that many able can be seen in this valley, and we encounter several more Bison and even had one really close encounter with one as Justin and I were taking pictures of a humongous heard of Cow Elks, and by humongous I'd say 75-100 of them. They looked like ants covering the side of the mountain!  
Justin and I enjoyed the beauty of seeing all the animals and getting pictures while little did we know that our wives were in the van getting mad at us.  Since we didn't have the kids with us, they wanted to go on a strenuous hike that we might not be able to take the kids on.  But since you may know that even though we bought have been married 10 years now, we still cannot read our wives' minds!  All the animal watching, we quickly ran out of daylight hours and we didn't have flashlights nor would it be the best idea to hike at night, so we pull into this area to turn around and head out when we encounter a rarity in Yellowstone.  It was a wolf about 10yard off the road.  I usually thought they would be skid-dish, but three cars were pulled off taking pictures of it before it finally ran off.  I must say that was a truly amazing site!  The wives finally calmed down about us not being able to read minds and we had a pleasant ride home with enjoyable conversations.